Some people have a hard time deciding whether or not to let their cats outside. Keeping your cat inside can definitely prolong their life as it keeps them out of some sticky situations. There are so many things to take into consideration before letting your cat outside for the first time such as will they run away? Will they get into something that can be harmful or deadly? Will they get hit by a car? Will they get bullied or into a fight with another cat? All of these things can happen and that is the chance you take when letting them out into the world.
You can surely save on a vet bill by keeping them indoors. This is also a great way of flea prevention and you won't be finding any dead birds on your door step either. Some people believe that keeping your cat indoors at all times is cruel and that you are stripping them of their freedom. Many people like to familiarize them with the outdoors as a kitten so if they do get out, they know how to get back... it's not a bad idea. A couple options for those of you who are unsure of what to do you can let your cat out while supervised by you in the yard or you can teach them to walk on a leash. It may seem strange, but it's done.
So what it comes down to is that indoor cats live healthier and longer lives. Since they are inside all the time they do need lots of toys and playtime to keep them sane and in good shape.
nice tip but i prefer both for my kitty
wow amazing tip. I must said that you have done it very much. Pet Food