Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Cat Depression
Do you think that your Siamese cat may be depressed? Well it is very possible... it happens to many cats that have a loss in their life or a big change in environment. If you have recently moved, or maybe your work schedule has changed and you aren't home as often? These are a few things that could cause your Siamese cats depression.
If someone in the household has passed on, moved away or another pet has padded away, these are some things that can cause cat depression as well. You will usually be able to tell if your cat is depressed, they will not act the same as they usually do. They may sleep most of the time, hide away in different places to be alone, loss of appetite and losing interest in playing or affection.
If any of these symptoms are showing up in your cat, you need to take them to the vet. Depression can be a very serious issue, just like it is for humans. As responsible pet owners, it's important that we do anything we can to keep them happy and healthy.
cat depression,
siamese cat,
siamese cats
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Siamese Cat Personality
The Siamese cat is known to be very vocal and sassy. I have one myself and she wakes me up in the middle of the night all the time if she wants something. They are very playful, curious, loving and adventurous. My Siamese sleeps with my dogs and she also uses the dog door to come in and out of the house, I swear she is party canine.
If you keep toys out for them, they have no problem entertaining themselves. Keeping your Siamese as an indoor cat is an option but will need a lot of toys and play time. They can become bored very easily. I can't tell you how many times I have had to interrupt her while scratching at my sofa or carpet. Some kind of tree or scratching post is a "must have" with this cat breed.
Intelligent and elegant, these cats are very loyal to their loved ones. They make great companions but they do need a lot of attention and affection. Cats can become depressed with out it.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Caring for Your Pregnant Siamese Cat
Is your Siamese cat pregnant? Maybe you aren't sure but she is acting strangely different. This would be a good time to take her into the vet to see what's going on and find out if you need to prepare for a pregnancy! It's a known fact that the Siamese cat breed have larger litters of kittens so you want to make sure you have everything you need to make the process as easy as possible on your cat.
The duration of your cats pregnancy is 9-10 weeks so you do have some time to get things ready. You will need to speak with your vet if you don't know already about what to feed her and how much. It will differ from the norm since she will be eating for more than just herself. It's very very important that she gets all the nutrients and vitamins that she needs to give birth to a healthy litter.
You will need to pick an area in your home that is away from all the action so it's quiet and safe. Setting up a bedded area on the floor with water and food is necessary. It's a good idea to do this early in the pregnancy so that she becomes familiar and comfortable enough to have her babies in this spot. You don't want her going off somewhere and having them in a place that you can't get to if need be. This area should be for your pregnant Siamese and her only. Don't let your family members or other pets hang out here... this could cause her to go elsewhere.
Stay near by when she is going into the birthing process in case she needs your help with anything. Doing some research or speaking with your vet about possible complications during her pregnancy would be smart of you so you can be prepared to help her. Once the kittens have been born, make sure not to touch them. I made this mistake once when I was younger and she took them all outside into a bush in the yard. Not a good place for a mama cat and her kittens. She may even reject them if you or your family members handle them.

cat health,
cat pregnancy,
siamese cats
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Cat Health

Caring for your cat or kitten properly is just part of being a responsible pet owner. From lots of love to the proper nutritious diet, they need you to take care of them to live a happy and healthy life.
Just like dogs, they need their exercise and playtime too. They could actually become destructive and aggressive if you neglect them. Leaving toys around the house and having times through out the day to play with them and their favorite toys is needed. Some people do walk their cats on a leash for their daily exercise routine.
You can make your own cat food which for me has proved to be quite successful after a little experimenting. When buying cat foods in the store, you have to read the labels to make sure they are getting everything they need and not just a bunch of fillers. Always make sure the first thing listed on the label is the source of protein (chicken, beef or fish) or whatever you prefer to feed your cat. Good cat foods will always have it listed as the first ingredient so that should help you out a little.
Take your cat to the vet for check ups and keep on eye on their behavior and their bodies to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. Flea prevention and treatment is a must as well. Trust me, they are very grateful for your love and care and they sure show it. Cats are wonderful companions and will show you unconditional love as long as they live.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Inside Cat or Outside Cat?

Some people have a hard time deciding whether or not to let their cats outside. Keeping your cat inside can definitely prolong their life as it keeps them out of some sticky situations. There are so many things to take into consideration before letting your cat outside for the first time such as will they run away? Will they get into something that can be harmful or deadly? Will they get hit by a car? Will they get bullied or into a fight with another cat? All of these things can happen and that is the chance you take when letting them out into the world.
You can surely save on a vet bill by keeping them indoors. This is also a great way of flea prevention and you won't be finding any dead birds on your door step either. Some people believe that keeping your cat indoors at all times is cruel and that you are stripping them of their freedom. Many people like to familiarize them with the outdoors as a kitten so if they do get out, they know how to get back... it's not a bad idea. A couple options for those of you who are unsure of what to do you can let your cat out while supervised by you in the yard or you can teach them to walk on a leash. It may seem strange, but it's done.
So what it comes down to is that indoor cats live healthier and longer lives. Since they are inside all the time they do need lots of toys and playtime to keep them sane and in good shape.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Flea Prevention

The Siamese cat breed doesn't require heavy grooming. It is a good idea to get them used to some kind of grooming routine as a young kittens. There are so many different types of flea prevention for animals these days so there is no reason why your pet should have a flea infestation.
If your cat is constantly itching that's a good sign that they have a flea problem. You need to take action right away so it doesn't cause a problem for you whole family. The fleas can be in your carpet or on your furniture so it's very important to treat the home as well as your pet or a re-infestation could occur. If this is not handled properly, your cats may take on more severe health problems.
Some people have found that adding garlic and brewers yeast to your cats food may help with flea prevention. Cats that have these supplements in them may be less desirable to the flea itself. Spot treatments, baths and flea bombs are a great way to go. After you get rid of the infestation of fleas, be sure to use a preventative treatment monthly whether it be a collar or a spot treatment so they don't keep coming back for more.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Kittens for Sale

The Siamese cat breed is a very social and intelligent animal. They make great loving and loyal companions and I must say a very entertaining personality.
One thing to keep in mind when getting a Siamese Cat, they don't do well when left alone for too long. They are a bit needy and like to be side by side with their owner. It's not hard to find Siamese kittens for sale, there are alot of reputable breeders out there you just have to look.
If you are looking for a Siamese Kitten, take a look at some of these resources:
Royal Siamese Cattery
Suyaki Siamese
Siamese Rescue
Cann Dee Apples
Boutique Kittens
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