Caring for your cat or kitten properly is just part of being a responsible pet owner. From lots of love to the proper nutritious diet, they need you to take care of them to live a happy and healthy life.
Just like dogs, they need their exercise and playtime too. They could actually become destructive and aggressive if you neglect them. Leaving toys around the house and having times through out the day to play with them and their favorite toys is needed. Some people do walk their cats on a leash for their daily exercise routine.
You can make your own cat food which for me has proved to be quite successful after a little experimenting. When buying cat foods in the store, you have to read the labels to make sure they are getting everything they need and not just a bunch of fillers. Always make sure the first thing listed on the label is the source of protein (chicken, beef or fish) or whatever you prefer to feed your cat. Good cat foods will always have it listed as the first ingredient so that should help you out a little.
Take your cat to the vet for check ups and keep on eye on their behavior and their bodies to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. Flea prevention and treatment is a must as well. Trust me, they are very grateful for your love and care and they sure show it. Cats are wonderful companions and will show you unconditional love as long as they live.